Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas eve announcement

Tonight we got a call from Charlie's parents. They wanted to let us know that no one is coming for Christmas tomorrow -- it will just be us. They were wondering what we were doing tonight, and if we wanted to just come out there.

It was very funny actually, because Charlie said, "Let me check with Dona and I'll call you right back." When he got off the phone to tell me I said, "So we can go out there right now and tell them tonight??!!!" He laughed. As he was calling them back to tell them that we were on our way, I was pushing us out the door.

When we got there, we talked, drank eggnog (except me), and then ate supper. Meanwhile I was bursting inside! We opened presents from them. They got us a Wii!! Which was exciting! I also got a gift card for a manicure and pedicure. I think I will be waiting until I am big and uncomfortable this summer -- then treat myself! Finally, it was time for the present from us!

Earlier, I had wrapped a frame with this photo in it:

Kathleen opened it, and of course couldn't really tell what it was. I turned it so it was facing the right way, and soon she got it! She screamed, jumped up and down a bit, and immediately called her sister Julie! Meanwhile, Larry was still trying to figure it out. As the Kathleen was waiting for Julie to pick up the phone, she said to Larry, "She pregnant!". Hugs all around. :-)

The rest of the evening was posting status messages on Facebook, making phone calls to family, and enjoying the evening. Finally, everyone that needed to know had been told and now we could let the world know!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

who are those for?

With Christmas just a week away Charlie and I decided that we'd take advantage of the timing and tell our families as a "Christmas gift". Honestly, it's been killing me to keep it inside...but Charlie's right on this one.

I went out last night to purchase some baby bibs and fabric markers. I made two bibs and wrapped them to give to my parents at the party.

Our Christmas celebration is basically: eating lunch, getting presents from Santa, the kids open presents from the adults, and last, the adults do their own fun gift exchange where they play a game and steal gifts from each other, etc. It's pretty fun. We waited until all the gift giving was over, and then we had my parents open their gift together. Everyone watched.

They held up the bibs and everyone looked confused. Later, several family members told me they thought we were making fun of Dad somehow because he sometimes doesn't realize that he has food on his face! Finally, my nephew said, "Who are those for?" and I replied (while pointing to the two of us), "For the baby that we are going to have in August!" Long pause. Loud celebration.

Everyone was very happy for us, of course. Jeanne was worried about the kidney situation. She came over to us and said, "Are you sure that everything is OK since you only have one kidney?" Charlie, always witty, immediately responded with "Oh yeah, there's more room in there! This kid is in FIRST CLASS"! He further demonstrated his point by stretching out his body, putting his feet up on the coffee table with his hands clasped behind his head.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

you're what?

Yesterday was a full day!! Thursday we got out of school early because of a big snow storm. Thank God for that because I really had a difficult time not telling everyone -- and this way I only had to get through a few hours. Plus, since the line on the test was so faint, I wasn't positive that I was pregnant. However, the online research that Charlie and I both did seemed to confirm it. Either way, Friday morning I took another "at home" test and it was darker.

Also yesterday, we had a snow day. Since I was home, I called the doctor to get a confirmation blood test. They told me if I got in that morning, I would have the results by the afternoon! So I ran over quickly to get the test taken. They told me they would call me with the results. I called Charlie at work and let him know that I'd gone.

Next, I took Hollyanne to get her wisdom teeth out! While Hollyanne was "under the knife" I got the call. Of course, it was confirmed!! I called Charlie at work to let him know -- neither of us were surprised, but it was nice to have the confirmation!

We decided that we'd wait until Hollyanne was off drugs to let her in on the news. So, this morning I woke up as usual to give piano lessons. Charlie went to his place for his weekly house check (and to get out of the house to aviod hearing Christmas songs being played on the piano over and over by beginning piano students).

When the lessons were over and it was just Hollyanne and I left at home, I went downstairs to check on her. She said she was about to go back to sleep. I asked her if I could talk to her for a minute about something kind of important. She reluctantly agreed.

I just blurted it out. "I'm pregnant." She was completely surprised - pleasantely so. She sat up and asked me several times "You're what?" and said "I'm going to be a sister?" As soon as it sunk in she wanted to tell everyone. I explained that we haven't told our families yet, so she would have to wait until after Christmas to tell everyone. Our plans are to tell my folks at our family Christmas tomorrow, and Charlie's family on Christmas day.

It felt good to be able to tell someone! I can't wait to tell everyone else.

Side note: We had supper with Charlie's parent's tonight -- Mexican. I hardly spoke at all because I just wanted to blurt it out!! I can't believe Charlie is making us wait until Christmas -- that's a lifetime away (or five days).

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I was a day "late". When the alarm went off, I quietly, trying not to wake up Charlie, crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. I carefully opened the test, did my deed, and waited. After two minutes I looked and saw a faint line. Of course, I wasn't sure, so I flung open the door to the bedroom and said, "Turn on the light! Do you see a blue line??"