Sunday, July 12, 2009

45 days?

As I write this, the little floating baby next to the post says 45 days to go!  I haven't updated for a while, and I thought I'd better.  The 45 days is probably inaccurate!!

Let's see...I've had to increase the amount of insulin that I'm taking every few days, or at least every week.  Which I guess is fairly normal.  My body needs more insulin as my pregnancy progresses, but my body isn't producing any more than it was an increase is necessary.  I'm not as stressed out about it as I was before because it seems to be working.  

I've had to go to Dr. Hazelton (internist) a couple of times now, and I like her.  She herself had GD with her third child.  She's always very positive and informative.  This week when I went they did a blood test to check my A1C levels, and the results were good.  It's gone down since June (From 5.4 in June to 4.7 now).  Because this measures how treatment is working overall - the big picture - this number shows that we are getting a handle on it.  This helps me not cry every time I have a high finger prick test!  :-)  

I also saw Dr. Driscoll, my OB, a couple of times since I last wrote.  Two weeks ago was the first time I've seen here since my diagnosis with GD.  She measured me and I was measuring a week ahead. One of the side-effects of GD is a big baby (which isn't good).  However, I also know that many people measure a week ahead one week, and then right on at the next appointment, so I'm not too worried, yet.  However, she did also tell me that because I am on insulin, I will have to have a non-stress test (NST) every week until the baby comes!  This is a pain in the butt and time consuming, but it's also nice because you get to listen to the heartbeat for twenty minutes or more. :-)  I've had two of those now, and both were fine.  It's also reassuring to know that, based on the NST, she is doing well.

Also at that appointment, Dr. Driscoll told me that they will not let me go the full 40 weeks.  If Raisin grows too quickly, they will do a scheduled C-section a bit early.  If she's an average-sized baby then they will induce me early.  She indicated that it would be around week 39 (which starts August 19).  At my appointment this past week (the second NST) I measured a week behind!  So, it looks like she's growing "normal" at this point.

Finally, the really cool news.  Because of all this, I get to have another ultrasound!!  Woo hoo!  In two weeks (July 23rd, week 35) we will get to take another peak inside to see what's going on!!  We've invited Grandma Kathleen and Grandma Howe to attend if they are allowed.  :-)  The main reason they are doing this is to check on the size, so I'm sure it won't be quite as long as the first one, but it will still be fun to watch her move around again!  I will post pictures, of course.

This coming week, my friends Amy and Helen are throwing us another shower!!  I will post pics as soon as I can!