Saturday, January 23, 2010

i'm not tired

Bea was tired. I put her in her bed, socks on, head on the burp towel, binky in her mouth and under the covers. She didn't fuss. She did make this noise that she likes to make, that usually indicates that she is tired and will soon be drifting off. After a while, the noise stopped on the monitor, so I peeked in the door to check on her. I could see her moving, so I approached the bed. What I saw was a combination of these two pics....

She had the look on her face of the first pic and the position of the second pic. Either way she had a sock off, binky out, covers off and she'd turned 90 degrees. It was quite cute of course, so I got my camera.

Then a bit later Daddy came home from jogging and after his shower they decided to have a beer together.
Mutual Admiration Society?


  1. That last picture is too sweet for words. It brought tears to my eyes.

  2. that was grandma b, btw.

  3. Just wait Grandma...there are going to be a couple of cute videos posted soon!!!
